Transitioning Lessons Learned and Assets of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to Global and Regional Measles and Rubella Elimination.

Friday, 1st of September 2017 Print

J Infect Dis. 2017 Jul 1;216(suppl_1):S308-S315. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jix112.

Transitioning Lessons Learned and Assets of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to Global and Regional Measles and Rubella Elimination.

Kretsinger K1 Strebel P1 Kezaala R2 Goodson JL3.

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The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has built an extensive infrastructure with capabilities and resources that should be transitioned to measles and rubella elimination efforts. Measles continues to be a major cause of child mortality globally and rubella continues to be the leading infectious cause of birth defects. Measles and rubella eradication is feasible and cost saving. The obvious similarities in strategies between polio elimination and measles and rubella elimination include the use of an extensive surveillance and laboratory network outbreak preparedness and response extensive communications and social mobilization networks and the need for periodic supplementary immunization activities. Polio staff and resources are already connected with those of measles and rubella and transitioning existing capabilities to measles and rubella elimination efforts allows for optimized use of resources and the best opportunity to incorporate important lessons learned from polio eradication and polio resources are concentrated in the countries with the highest burden of measles and rubella. Measles and rubella elimination strategies rely heavily on achieving and maintaining high vaccination coverage through the routine immunization activity infrastructure thus creating synergies with immunization systems approaches in what is termed a "diagonal approach."


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