Seroprotection against Vaccine-Preventable Diseases amongst Health Care Workers in a Community Hospital Qatar.

Wednesday, 12th of October 2016 Print

Int J Occup Environ Med. 2016 Oct;7(4):234-40.

Seroprotection against Vaccine-Preventable Diseases amongst Health Care Workers in a Community Hospital Qatar.

Guanche Garcell H1 Villanueva Arias A2 Guilarte García E2 Alfonso Serrano RN2.

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Health care workers (HCW) are at high risk of contracting various infectious diseases and play a dual role in the transmission of infections in health care facilities.


To determine the seroprotection against hepatitis B measles rubella and varicella among HCWs in a community hospital in Qatar.


This is a cross-sectional survey conducted in a 75-bed community hospital in Dukhan Qatar. From August 2012 to December 2015 705 HCWs were tested for the presence of IgG antibodies for measles rubella and varicella and also for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). They were also asked about previous history of hepatitis B vaccination.


595 (84.4%) HCWs received a full hepatitis B vaccination schedule; 110 (15.6%) received a single dose. The full schedule was reported with higher frequency by nurses (90.2%) compared to physicians (74.1%) or technicians (79.7%). Those aged ≥30 years (90.4%) and <20 years of work experience had received a full vaccination schedule more frequently than younger and less experienced HCWs. Female HCWs (87.8%) received full schedule more frequently than males (78.8%). 73.4% of the staff had seroprotection against hepatitis B with the lowest anti-HBsAg titers observed in physicians (58.8%) compared with other categories; males (64.9%) were less protected than females. The seropositivity was 85.6%(95% CI 82.4% to 88.4%) for measles 94.7% (95% CI 92.2% to 97.3%) for rubella and 92.2% (95% CI 89.7% to 94.7%) for varicella.


HCWs particularly physicians are not enough protected against hepatitis B. The seroprotection against measles rubella and varicella.


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