Sociodemographic predictors are associated with compliance to a vaccination-reminder in 9692 girls age 14 Denmark 2014-2015.

Thursday, 28th of June 2018 Print


Prev Med Rep. 2018 Feb 23;10:93-99. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2018.02.005. eCollection 2018 Jun.

Sociodemographic predictors are associated with compliance to a vaccination-reminder in 9692 girls age 14 Denmark 2014-2015.

Suppli CH1 Dreier JW23 Rasmussen M4 Andersen AN2 Valentiner-Branth P1 Mølbak K1 Krause TG1.

Author information


We aimed to identify sociodemographic predictors of compliance after receiving a personalised reminder on lacking vaccinations against MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella) and/or HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) among parents of Danish adolescent girls. A nationwide register-based study including all 14-year-old girls (15 May 2014-14 May 2015) lacking either MMR HPV-vaccination or both. Vaccination-compliance following a postal reminder was modelled using multivariable logistic regression and included the following socio-demographic predictors: maternal age education employment and ethnicity. Birth order number of siblings family-structure location of residence and household income. The parents of 9692 girls received a reminder. Out of 4940 exclusively lacking an HPV-vaccine 15.3% were subsequently vaccinated. Among 2026 only lacking an MMR vaccination 8.5% were vaccinated. Among 2726 girls lacking both 5% received an HPV 4.4% an MMR and 5.4% received both vaccinations. We identified sociodemographic differences between reminder letter-compliers and non-compliers also according to vaccination types. Non-western descendants were more likely to receive HPV-vaccination although the association was only significant for those who only lacked HPV (OR 2.02 95% 1.57-2.59). For girls only lacking an MMR regional differences were identified. Among girls lacking both vaccines girls of mothers with intermediate (OR 0.63 0.42-0.95) or basic education (OR 0.43 0.24-0.75) were less likely to be vaccinated compared to girls of higher educated mothers. Reminders were in particular effective in increasing HPV uptake among immigrants of non-Western ethnicity. We found reminders to be less effective among less educated mothers whose daughters lacked both vaccines. To increase the coverage in this group additional interventions are needed.


Immunization; Socioeconomic factors; Vaccination

PMID: 29868358 PMCID: PMC5984205 DOI: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2018.02.005


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