Measles outbreak in a tertiary level hospital Porto Portugal 2018: challenges in the post-elimination era.

Friday, 8th of June 2018 Print

Euro Surveill. 2018 May;23(20). doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.20.18-00224.

Measles outbreak in a tertiary level hospital Porto Portugal 2018: challenges in the post-elimination era.

Sá Machado R1 Perez Duque M1 Almeida S2 Cruz I1 Sottomayor A1 Almeida I2 R Oliveira J34 Antunes D1.

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A measles outbreak has been occurring in a healthcare setting in Porto Portugal since early March 2018 posing public health challenges for a central hospital and the community. Up to 22 April 96 cases were confirmed 67 in vaccinated healthcare workers mostly between 18-39 years old. Following identification of the first cases control measures were rapidly implemented. Concomitantly other measles cases were notified in the Northern Region of the country. No common epidemiological link was identified.


Healthcare workers; Outbreaks; measles; vaccines and immunisation

PMID: 29790461 DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.20.18-00224


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