Estimation of secondary measles transmission from a healthcare worker in a hospital setting.

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Int J Infect Dis. 2014 Jul;24:11-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.1377. Epub 2014 Apr 26.

Estimation of secondary measles transmission from a healthcare worker in a hospital setting.

Tajima K1 Nishimura H2 Hongo S3 Hazawa M4 Saotome-Nakamura AI4 Tomiyama K4 Obara C4 Kato T5.

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Measles among healthcare workers (HCWs) is associated with a significant risk of nosocomial transmission to susceptible patients. When a measles case occurs in the healthcare setting most guidelines recommend exhaustive measures. To evaluate the effects of measures against measles transmission in the healthcare setting precisely it is essential to determine whether secondary transmission generally occurs. This study describes for the first time the actual secondary transmission rate for a measles-infected HCW in a ward with no special air ventilation capacity. The routine treatment of a number of immunocompromised patients occurs in this ward and thus patients as well as HCWs have a thorough understanding and practice of standard and extended precautions. Our paired serum sample study revealed that none of the people in the ward exposed to the HCW at the catarrhal stage over a period of 4 days exhibited elevated levels of antibodies against measles. We suggest that strict adherence to standard and expanded precautions among patients and HCWs may be effective for preventing the transmission of a highly airborne disease such as measles.