Vaccination Rates for Measles Mumps Rubella and Influenza Among Children Presenting to a Pediatric Emergency Department in New York City

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Vaccination Rates for Measles Mumps Rubella and Influenza Among Children Presenting to a Pediatric Emergency Department in New York City

  1. 1.        Philip Zachariah12 
  2. 2.        Amanda Posner1 
  3. 3.        Melissa S. Stockwell123 
  4. 4.        Peter S. Dayan1
  5. 5.        F. Meredith Sonnett1 
  6. 6.        Philip L. Graham1245 and 
  7. 7.        Lisa Saiman24



We compared measles mumps rubella (MMR) and influenza vaccination rates of children presenting to a Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) in New York City with rates from national assessments. MMR and influenza vaccination rates in this PED population were generally comparable to community rates but lower than Healthy People 2020 targets.

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